Monday, September 30, 2019

Is the Philippines Truly Free Essay

In terms of fashion, culture and economy, however, we cannot say the same. The Filipinos still suffer from colonial mentality. Music, fashion, customs and tradition and products of foreign countries, especially the so-called stateside, are still being patronized by most Filipinos, especially the youth who unabashedly mimic foreign singers, artists, including their lifestyles not minding to spend lots of money just to be â€Å"in† with these foreign idols. Thousands of Pinoys are also dying to migrate to other countries. As a member of the Filipino youth of today I believe that I can somehow make the Philippines truly free by reversing the above negative attitudes. First, I will start from myself. I will think, talk and act like a true Filipino. I will live by the Filipino values like being polite and courteous, using â€Å"po†, â€Å"opo†, respect my parents, the elders and be fair to all. I will patronize Filipino made products so we can save the dollars of our country. I will visit and encourage visit to the local tourist spots. I shall lead by example by taking care of the environment. I will recycle plastics and use biodegradable trash as organic fertilizer. By doing so, we can boost our country’s economy and awaken the sense of nationalism in each and every Filipino. Not only will our country be appreciated by our fellow Filipinos, but also by foreigners locally and internationally. Lastly, I will keep myself informed of the current social and national issues so I can express my views thereon. I will encourage the youth to do the same so we can preserve the democracy in our country alive and help it move forward.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Love in Time of Cholera Essay

Time of CholeraLove, as Mickey and Sylvia, in their 1956 hit single, remind us, love is strange. As we grow older it gets stranger, until at some point mortality has come well within the frame of our attention, and there we are, suddenly caught between terminal dates while still talking a game of eternity. It’s about then that we may begin to regard love songs, romance novels, soap operas and any live teen-age pronouncements at all on the subject of love with an increasingly impatient, not to mention intolerant, ear. At the same time, where would any of us be without all that romantic infrastructure, without, in fact, just that degree of adolescent, premortal hope? Pretty far out on life’s limb, at least. Suppose, then, it were possible, not only to swear love â€Å"forever,† but actually to follow through on it — to live a long, full and authentic life based on such a vow, to put one’s alloted stake of precious time where one’s heart is? This is the extraordinary premise of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s new novel  Love in the Time of Cholera,  one on which he delivers, and triumphantly. In the postromantic ebb of the 70’s and 80’s, with everybody now so wised up and even growing paranoid about love, once the magical buzzword of a generation, it is a daring step for any writer to decide to work in love’s vernacular, to take it, with all its folly, imprecision and lapses in taste, at all seriously — that is, as well worth those higher forms of play that we value in fiction. For Garcia Marquez the step may also be revolutionary. â€Å"I think that a novel about love is as valid as any other,† he once remarked in a conversation with his friend, the journalist Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza (published as â€Å"El Olor de la Guayaba,† 1982). In reality the duty of a writer — the revolutionary duty, if you like — is that of writing well. † And — oh boy — does he write well. He writes with impassioned control, out of a maniacal serenity: the Garcimarquesian voice we have come to recognize from the other fic tion has matured, found and developed new resources, been brought to a level where it can at once be classical and familiar, opalescent and pure, able to praise and curse, laugh and cry, fabulate and ing and when called upon, take off and soar, as in this description of a turn-of-the-century balloon trip: â€Å"From the sky they could see, just as God saw them, the ruins of the very old and heroic city of Cartagena de Indias, the most beautiful in the world, abandoned by its inhabitants because of the sieges of the English and the atrocities of the buccaneers. They saw the walls, still intact, the brambles in the streets, the fortifications devoured by heartsease, the marble palaces and the golden altars and the viceroys rotting with plague inside their armor. They flew over the lake dwellings of the Trojas in Cataca, painted in lunatic colors, with pens holding iguanas raised for food and balsam apples and crepe myrtle hanging in the lacustrian gardens. Excited by everyone’s shouting, hundreds of naked children plunged into the water, jumping out of windows, jumping from the roofs of the houses and from the canoes that they handled with astonishing skill, and diving like shad to recover the bundles of clothing, the bottles of cough syrup, the beneficent food that the beautifu l lady with the feathered hat threw to them from the basket of the balloon. This novel is also revolutionary in daring to suggest that vows of love made under a presumption of immortality — youthful idiocy, to some — may yet be honored, much later in life when we ought to know better, in the face of the undeniable. This is, effectively, to assert the resurrection of the body, today as throughout history an unavoidably revolutionary idea. Through the ever-subversive medium of fiction, Garcia Marquez shows us how it could all plausibly come about, even — wild hope — for somebody out here, outside a book, even as inevitably beaten at, bought and resold as we all must have become if only through years of simple residence in the injuring and corruptive world. Here’s what happens. The story takes place between about 1880 and 1930, in a Caribbean seaport city, unnamed but said to be a composite of Cartagena and Barranquilla — as well, perhaps, as cities of the spirit less officially mapped. Three major characters form a triangle whose hypotenuse is Florentino Ariza, a poet dedicated to love both carnal and transcendent, though his secular fate is with the River Company of the Caribbean and its small fleet of paddle-wheel steamboats. As a young apprentice telegrapher he meets and falls forever in love with Fermina Daza, a â€Å"beautiful adolescent with . . . almondsshaped eyes,† who walks with a â€Å"natural haughtiness . . . her doe’s gait making her seem immune to gravity. Though they exchange hardly a hundred words face to face, they carry on a passionate and secret affair entirely by way of letters and telegrams, even after the girl’s father has sound out and taken her away on an extended â€Å"journey of forgetting. † But when she returns, Fermina rejects the lovesick young man after all, and eventually meets and marries instead Dr. Juvenal Urbino who, like the hero of a I9th-century novel, is well born, a sharp dresser, somewhat stuck on himself but a terrific catch nonetheless. For Florentino, love’s creature, this is an agonizing setback, though nothing fatal. Having sworn to love Fermina Daza forever, he settles in to wait for as long as he has to until she’s free again. This turns out to be 51 years, 9 months and 4 days later, when suddenly, absurdly, on a Pentecost Sunday around 1930, Dr. Juvenal Urbino dies, chasing a parrot upon mango tree. After the funeral, when everyone else has left, Florentino steps forward with his hat over his heart â€Å"Fermina,† he declares, â€Å"I have waited for this opportunity for more than half a century, to repeat to you once again my vow of eternal fidelity and everlasting love. † Shocked and furious, Fermina orders him out of the house. And don’t show your face again for the years of life that are left to you . . . I hope there are very few of them. † The heart’s eternal vow has run up against the world’s finite terms. The confrontation occurs near the end of the first chapter, which recounts Dr. Urbino’s last day on earth and Fermina’s f irst night as a widow. We then flash back 50 years, into the time of cholera. The middle chapters follow the lives of the three characters through the years of the Urbinos’ marriage and Florentino Ariza’s rise at the River Company, as one century ticks over into the next. The last chapter takes up again where the first left off, with Florentine now, in the face of what many men would consider major rejection, resolutely setting about courting Fermina Daza all over again, doing what he must to win her love. In their city, throughout a turbulent half-century, death has proliferated everywhere, both as el colera, the fatal disease that sweeps through in terrible intermittent epidemics, and as la colera, defined as choler or anger, which taken to its extreme becomes warfare. Victims of one, in this book, are more than once mistaken for victims of the other. War, â€Å"always the same war,† is presented here not as the continuation by other means of any politics that can possibly matter, but as a negative force, a plague, whose only meaning is death on a massive scale. Against this dark ground, lives, so precarious, are often more and less conscious projects of resistance, even of sworn opposition, to death. Dr. Urbino, like his father before him, becomes a leader in the battle against the cholera, promoting public health measures obsessively, heroically. Fermina, more conventionally but with as much courage, soldiers on in her chosen role of wife, mother and household manager, maintaining a safe perimeter for her family. Florentino embraces Eros, death’s well-known long-time enemy, setting off on a career of seductions that eventually add up to 622 â€Å"long term liaisons, apart from . . . countless fleeting adventures,† while maintaining, impervious to time, his deeper fidelity, his unquenchable hope for a life with Fermina. At the end he can tell her truthfully — though she doesn’t believe it for a minute — that he has remained a virgin for her. So far as this is Florentino’s story, in a way his Bildungsroman, we find ourselves, as he earns the suspension of our disbelief, cheering him on, wishing for the success of this stubborn warrior against age and death, and in the name of love. But like the best fictional characters, he insists on his autonomy, refusing to be anything less ambiguous than human. We must take him as he is, pursuing his tomcat destiny out among the streets and lovers’ refuges of this city with which he lives on terms of such easy intimacy, carrying with him a potential for disasters from which he remains safe, immunized by a comical but dangerous indifference to consequences that often borders on criminal neglect. The widow Nazaret, one of many widows he is fated to make happy, seduces him during a nightlong bombardment from the cannons of an attacking army outside the city. Ausencia Santander’s exquisitely furnished home is burgled of every movable item while she and Florentino are frolicking in bed. A girl he picks up at Carnival time turns out to be a homicidal machete-wielding escapee from the local asylum. Olimpia Zuleta’s husband murders her when he sees a vulgar endearment Florentino has been thoughtless enough to write on her body in red paint. His lover’s amorality causes not only individual misfortune but ecological destruction as well: as he learns by the end of the book, his River Company’s insatiable appetite for firewood to fuel its steamers has wiped out the great forests that once bordered the Magdalena river system, leaving a wasteland where nothing can ive. â€Å"With his mind clouded by his passion for Fermina Daza he never took the trouble to think about it, and by the time he realized the truth, there was nothing anyone could do except bring in a new river. † In fact, dumb luck has as much to do with getting Florentino through as the intensity or purity of his dream. The author’s great affection for this character does not en tirely overcome a sly concurrent subversion of the ethic of machismo, of which Garcia Marquez is not especially fond, having described it elsewhere simply as usurpation of the rights of others. Indeed, as we’ve come to expect from his fiction, it’s the women in this story who are stronger, more attuned to reality. When Florentino goes crazy with live, developing symptoms like those of cholera, it is his mother Transito Ariza, who pulls him out of it. His innumerable lecheries are rewarded not so much for any traditional masculine selling points as for his obvious and aching need to be loved. Women go for it. â€Å"He is ugly and sad,† Fermina Daza’s cousin Hildebranda tells her, â€Å"but he is all love. † And Garcia Marquez, straight-faced teller of tall tales, is his biographer. At the age of 19, as he has reported, the young writer underwent a literary epiphany on reading the famous opening lines of Kafka’s  Metamorphosis,  in which a man wakes to find himself transformed into a giant insect. â€Å"Gosh,† exclaimed Garcia Marquez, using in Spanish a word in English we may not, â€Å"that’s just the way my grandmother used to talk! † And that, he adds is when novels began to interest him. Much of what come [sic] in his work to be called â€Å"magical realism† was, as he tells it, simply the presence of that grandmotherly voice. Nevertheless, in this novel we have come a meaningful distance from Macondo, the magical village in  One Hundred Years of Solitude  where folks routinely sail through the air and the dead remain in everyday conversation with the living: we have descended, perhaps in some way down the same river, all the way downstream, into war and pestilence and urban confusions to the edge of a Caribbean haunted less by individual dead than by a history which has brought so appallingly many down, without ever having sopoken, or having spoken gone unheard, or having been heard, left unrecorded. As revolutionary as writing well is the duty to redeem these silences, a duty Garcia Marquez has here fulfilled with honor and compassion. It would be presumptuous to speak of moving â€Å"beyond†Ã‚  One Hundred Years of Solitude  but clearly Garcia Marquez has moved somewhere else, not least into deeper awareness of the ways in which, as Florentino comes to learn, â€Å"nobody teaches life anything. There are still delightful and stunning moments contrary to fact, still told with the same unblinking humor — presences at the foot of the bed, an anonymously delivered doll with a curse on it, the sinister parrot, almost a minor character, whose pursuit ends with the death of Dr. Juvenal Urbino. But the predominant claim on the author’s attention and energies comes from what is not so contrary to fact, a human consensus about â€Å"reality† in which love and the possibility of love’s extinction are the indispensable driving forces, and varieties of magic have become, if not quite peripheral, then at least more thoughtfully deployed in the service of an expanded vision, matured, darker than before but no less clement. It could be argued that this is the only honest way to write about love, that without the darkness and the finitude there might be romance, erotica, social comedy, soap opera — all genres, by the way, that are well represented in this novel — but not the Big L. What that seems to require, along with a certain vantage point, a certain level of understanding, is an author’s ability to control his own love for his characters, to withhold from the reader the full extent of his caring, in other words not to lapse into drivel. In translating  Love in the Time of Cholera,  Edith Grossman has been attentive to this element of discipline, among many nuances of the author’s voice to which she is sensitively, imaginatively attuned. My Spanish isn’t perfect, but I can tell that she catches admirably and without apparent labor the swing and translucency of his writing, its slang and its classicism, the lyrical stretches and those end-of-sentence zingers he likes to hit us with. It is a faithful and beautiful piece of work. There comes a moment, early in his career at the River Company of the Caribbean when Florentino Ariza, unable to write even a simple commercial letter without some kind of romantic poetry creeping in, is discussing the problem with his uncle Leo XII, who owns the company. It’s no use, the young man protests — â€Å"Love is the only thing that interests me. † â€Å"The trouble,† his uncle replies,† is that without river navigation, there is no love. For Florentino, this happens to be literally true: the shape of his life is defined by two momentous river voyages, half a century apart. On the first he made his decision to return and live forever in the city of Fermina Daza, to persevere in his love for as long as it might take. On the second, through a desolate landscape, he journeys into love and against time, with Fermina, at last by his side. There is nothing I have read quite like this astonishing final chapter, symphonic, sure in its dynamics and tempo, moving like a riverboat too, its author and pilot, with a lifetime’s experience steering us unerringly among hazards of skepticism and mercy, on this river we all know, without whose navigation there is no love and against whose flow the effort to return is never worth a less honorable name than remembrance — at the very best it results in works that can even return our worn souls to us, among which most certainly belongs  Love in the Time of Cholera,  this shining and heartbreaking novel.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

George Orwell's Articles Is Good for College Students Essay

George Orwell's Articles Is Good for College Students - Essay Example First and foremost, it should be admitted that George Orwell in his essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† applies to the serious politic theme. Such implication can be regarded as a helping hand for present-day students in understanding the past social and historical issues. Orwell constructs his essay regarding the rules of imperialism and including the peculiarities of this political system. It is relevant to begin with the setting of the story that takes place in Burma (Orwell, 214). The author uses â€Å"images and portrayal of imperialism of Britain during their imperial era† (Fakhrana, n.p.) The narrator represents â€Å"imperialism as an evil thing† and himself as â€Å"all for the Burmese and all against the oppressor† (Orwell, 215). To such extent, it is relevant to mention that Orwell strongly sentence imperialism as a political system and all its rules are viewed as ridiculous and even absurd. It can be suggested that imperialism is regarded as a state policy that humiliates the occupied people with the lowering of their social status in their own country (Cummings, n.p.). Moreover, according to the principles of imperialism occupies are in need to make not morally correct and even cruel decisions for the sake of demonstration of their power under the occupied people. All cruelty and brutality of imperialistic rules are presented through the entire essay. The matter is that the officer has been in need to kill the elephant as people have been looking at him and he has no right to show the indulgence or note of weakness in his character. The second issue that is important to mention is the raising of serious eternal themes through the essay. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of such themes in relation to experience that students can gain through reading this essay. The author includes to the essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† such an

Friday, September 27, 2019

Building Customer Connection with Old Spice Essay

Building Customer Connection with Old Spice - Essay Example The brand attempts to illustrate that it can alter the lifestyle dynamics of the consumer, transforming their environment from one of mundane and commonplace living to one of excitement and thrill. â€Å"Old Spice† focuses on the tangible benefits of the product, unlike other product brands that position on pricing or premium quality, to illustrate the relationship between product and consumer needs fulfillment. The brand does an excellent job of blending lifestyle marketing, relationship marketing, and elements of logic to appeal successfully to its target market. The advertisement (Appendix A) illustrates a typical, overweight male librarian in a split figure format, illustrating a transformative process from an ordinary, rather unattractive consumer to a stimulated and electrifying rock superstar. Under the VALS 2 model of psychographics, one of the main consumer segments is referred to as the Striver, one with generally low financial resources, but one who maintains a desi re to attain wealth and achieve higher status in society (Boone & Kurtz 213). The Striver profile is one that is very trends-focused and action-oriented, meaning they seek fun and excitement in their lifestyle (Boone & Kurtz 213). Strivers believe that money is a significant justifier for better social status, often seeking to purchase products that are considered premium in an effort to emulate those in society with more financial resources.... The tagline, â€Å"Somewhere in there, there’s a man in there† both chastises and applauds a consumer that reaches for â€Å"Old Spice†, using pathos as a rhetorical appeal to gain consumer attention and interest. Essentially, the â€Å"Old Spice† brand attempts to act as a social critic of the mundane consumer lifestyle and also an advocate for transformation from a boy to a man through the utilization of the brand. In society, the stereotype of the typical librarian is one of stuffiness, unsightliness, and generally unappealing. Because the Striver is greatly concerned about the sentiment and opinion of peers and others in society, â€Å"Old Spice† uses this psychological characteristic to its advantage to effectively promote the product. â€Å"Old Spice† cleverly uses this subconscious ploy to create an emotional response of self-rebuke or self-punishment for the consumer that lives a similar routine and unexciting lifestyle where the cons equences of potential social rejection becomes a factor in prompting purchase intention in favor of this brand. The library environment chosen for this advertisement is laid out much like an oppressive and old-fashioned library of a conservative statesman, further showing the danger of social conformity that can occur by not seeking adventure and thrill. The brand statement in the advertisement, â€Å"Smell better than yourself†, clearly links product benefits to expected outcomes to the consumer by choosing â€Å"Old Spice† over competition. The main goal of this advertisement is to illustrate that a prim and uneventful lifestyle can be changed if the target buyer selects this particular

Thursday, September 26, 2019

My Idea of Country Developement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

My Idea of Country Developement - Essay Example Handleman (10) explains that there is a close interrelationship between the social, political, economic indicators and economic dweveloepmnt. Developed countries have more democratic governments with higher literacy rates and higher life expectancy. On the contrary, Isbista (3) argues that under developed countries or the third world countries have their population insecure, poorly clothed, sick, and vulnerable to an early death in addition of having a low life expectancy. Largely, these are the indicators that differentiate developments. The quality of life in general is the best measure of development and as Handleman (24) further explains, observation of human rights is among the strong indicators that explain differences in levels of development among countries. There might be some slight variations in this taking the example of China. Though the country is considered as a highly developing country, some issues such as observance of human rights remain questionable. However, chin a’s development picked exponentially with separation of the state and society to a more free market, where market driven economy was more favorable. This was meant to increase the GDP for the country, which is instrumental in development. To reduce poverty in third world countries people go to more economic viable towns in search of employment to benefit economically (Isbista, 2). This leads to increased social crisis, where provision of amenities becomes hard to achieve. Isbista (31) further notes that the developed countries have over the time helped in establishing institutions of democracies in third world countries through provision of stimulants to social amenities or advocating for better governance. The process of rural- urban migration intensifies social amenities crisis in urban areas and this increase more poverty and crime. On the contrary mid level cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are more dynamic as since they represent the epitome of economic hub in China. W ith consistency in production activities, wealth is created in these towns, and wealth creation triggers more industrial and domestic platforms to develop in these hubs. Increased growth in domestic and industrial facilities increase wage levels of the population, and increased wage levels mean that people have to invest the extra income obtained. Isbista (24) explains that this increases the social amenities in these areas. Democracy is not therefore measured in governance only but in social amenities provision. Development brings about improved in social indicators with the government social policy helping in determining the share of the social policy. Development can be measured in the amount of resources being targeted at the social care sector compared to the per capital income (Handleman, 6). The per capita income in China was among the lowest in the world. 30 years later, China in 2008 became the third largest economy globally. The per capita income is important in defining t he ability of an economy to transform social indicators through employment, higher incomes, literacy, health care

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

THE HUMAN BODY Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

THE HUMAN BODY - Coursework Example Mr. Kile's coronary arteries were reported to have been 80-90% blocked which led to oxygen deficiency in the myocardium which therefore resulted in the permanent damage of the heart muscle. The affected part of the heart potentially triggered electrical activity which led to ventricular fibrillation (Starr, 2013). This fibrillation can be described as an uncoordinated twitch instead of the regular rhythmic pumping of the heart. Therefore, the heart is unable to fulfill its role of supplying blood to the rest of the body. How are arteries different from veins and capillaries? Describe the functions of both arteries and veins Arteries, veins and capillaries differ both in their histological composition and their functions (Starr, 2013). The walls of arteries and veins are comprised of three layers whilst those of capillaries are only one cell thick. However, the arterial and venous walls differ in their structure as arteries have a thicker tunica media than that of veins (Starr, 2013). This is mainly due the the fact that arteries carry blood away from the heart hence the blood has a higher pressure than that in the veins which is carried towards the heart. Veins also have a wider lumen due to the low pressure in venous blood (Starr, 2013). They also possess several valves to prevent the back flow of blood. Apart from the umbilical and pulmonary arteries and veins, arterial blood is always oxygenated and and venous blood is always dehydrogenated. In summation, the main function of arteries is to supply oxygen and nutrients to different tissues in the body, while veins carry deoxygenated blood from these tissues to the heart (Starr, 2013). Vertebrates and some invertebrates have a closed circulatory system. Explain the advantage of having a closed circulatory system over an open circulatory system? An open circulatory system is characterized by the heart pumping blood into the hemocoel, which is localized between the endoderm and ectoderm (Pittman, 2011). This flu id is often referred to as hemolymph and is distributed to tissues and organs through ta system of interconnected sinuses. Animals with this type of circulation often have low blood pressure and a high volume of blood in comparison to their bodies (Pittman, 2011). A closed circulatory system is comprised of a heart and a vascular system. The organs and tissues are not directly bathed in the blood. This system as a more complete separation of function than that of an open circulatory system (Pittman, 2011). A closed circulatory system enables the organism to survive with lower volumes of blood. A closed circulatory system also enables more control over the blood supply to different parts of the organism. Animals with a closed circulatory system also have a higher metabolic rate. The closed circulatory system is also advantageous in the sense that it is able to include the process of ultrafication in blood circulation. In the closed circulatory system, the pulmonary and systemic circu lations can respectively maintain their optimum temperatures (Pittman, 2011). Briefly explain how the lymphatic system is associated with the circulatory system? There are many interrelations between the circulatory and lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is involved in the removal of interstitial fluid from different tissues and is also

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

History wk10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History wk10 - Essay Example Whitten (1993) suggested that infusing Black psychologists into an introductory course will help students understand the social, economic and political factors on human development. I believe this is important because we tend to have a narrow view of the world that only encompasses those areas that we know well. We need to expand our thinking and take a look at how feminists, Black, cross-cultural, gay/lesbians and other look at the world. Talking about these issues in a class will make them more important to the student. Globalization impacts psychology because there are so many different issues that influence an individual's mental health. Arnett (2002) points out that globalization impacts every aspect of human life. He specifically looks at how this impacts adolescents but it is important as scholar practitioners to look at how people are impact. As a teacher and scholar practitioner, I would bring in many different types of issues so that my students could take a look and learn empathy for different situations. I believe that adding DVDs, extra readings and such would insure that students gained a well rounded understanding of why many different multicultural issues were important to the study of psychology. References Arnett, J.J. (2002).

Monday, September 23, 2019

International Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

International Management - Essay Example International Management The centrality of leadership is essential in managing a company or unit division holistically. Leadership styles are defined as those that provide motivation and direction in order to influence the approach and manner of influencing plans. To this end, leadership styles are classified as free reign, democratic or autocratic. By employing different leadership styles, individual productivity can be affected through his or her performance. A democratic leadership style employs inclusivity during the decision making process. However, it is paramount to note that the leader has the final decision pertaining to a cause of action. On the other hand, an autocratic leadership style is whereby the leader mandates responsibilities to employees without asking advice from followers or employees. A leadership style that employs free reign is whereby the leader mandates the decision making process to employees as well as delegating a number of activities and tasks for them to handle. It is pertinen t to note that it is commendable to employ the same leadership styles in all EU countries. Evidently, execution of leadership styles by team members leads to both negative and positive effects to the persons concerned. Positive leaders employ the use of rewards in motivating a person. These include using education and independence as motivational reward to the citizenry. On the other hand, leaders who are negative in approach are mostly domineering and superior in nature. The moral of worker and productivity is normally adversely affected by the wrongful use of negative leadership. To this end the EU countries consist of 27 states that are driven by economic and political motivation. Moreover, the member countries possess a myriad of norms and cultures that vary from region to region. Furthermore, the countries possess a variety of languages, religions, histories and systems of education. There equally exist divergent forms of leadership among the member countries. For example, Fren ch leaders are renowned for their autocratic style of leadership while Germans are well known or their assertive nature in leadership. Moreover, matters and issues pertaining to human rights human relations and rights are normally divergent from one country to the other. Consequently, a solution to such differences lies in the embracing of a similar leadership style among all EU countries. However, it is pertinent to evaluate whether a single style of leadership can be accepted and effectively satisfy all member states of the EU. To this end, the efficacy and success of a single type of leadership can only be achieved through proposals and appeal for acceptance rather than forcing it down on the member states. Moreover, in order to achieve flexible leadership type, all the European leaders need to appreciate and consider the context of these countries. The rapid rate of internationalization enhances the scope, size and types of organizations. Consequently, a rise in demand for day t o day comprehension of global businesses and cross cultural awareness. The benefit of singular leadership type is that it takes advantages of improves work and employee performance. Thus, it is paramount of EU leaders to be cross culturally, sensitive, adaptive and responsive when carrying out and delegating duties all ove national borders. The introduction of a unilateral leadership style also

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Critically discuss the key factors influencing protein requirements in Essay

Critically discuss the key factors influencing protein requirements in adults - Essay Example Together, these form the dynamic system of the body which contains the functional and structural aspects that help in nitrogen exchange to the environment (Joint, W. H. O., 2007). Thus the amount of protein that has to be consumed to meet these conditions of the body is termed as the protein requirement. Protein is the next bigger component of body tissues after water (Subar, et al., 2003). They are large molecules made of amino acids and are bonded together by peptides (Richards & Richmond, 2009). It is therefore important to take in proteins as they are used to maintain body tissue, which is constantly tearing and wearing out. A model on the protein needs is defined in terms of the organism metabolic demand and a demand of the diet that satisfies those needs for example efficiency of utilization (Elango, et al., 2010). The issue of protein intake in older adults is however controversial because some specialists warn that too much of it could cause toxicity while others argue that is important to take moderately high proteins to offset age related low energy intake and to maintain nitrogen balance (Millward, 2001). It is estimated that adults should take 0.75g (Young & Borgonha, 2000) of protein per kilogram of body weight to be on the safe side of nutrition deficiencies. These proteins should have a high digestibility and enough amounts of amino acids (Campbell, et al., 2008). These requirements can be satisfied by eating eggs, milk, fish and meat. Additionally legumes have a high amount of protein (Duranti, 2006). Since aging is associated with different physiologic and metabolic changes, the dietary pro tein requirements might also change. These changes may include decline in physical activity, changes in body composition due to loss of muscles, increased disease frequency in the older adults, decline in food intake, and decline in physical function capacity (Massey, 2003). These changes

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Dynamics Technologies Network Essay Example for Free

Dynamics Technologies Network Essay Whether used to provide better customer service, to be more eco-friendly or to gain more company memory, the virtualization technology of today offer many benefits to enterprising companies all over the world, creating innovative solutions to work based problems on a daily basis. Virtualization has not only captured the business world by storm with its innovative and creative solutions but it also offers proven advantages in several areas of industry, IT and service. Below is a list of a few of the advantages and solutions that virtualization technology can offer the enterprise around the globe. Virtual Desktops Many corporations and enterprises are looking to reduce their footprint and create more efficient operating systems. This can be done with one aspect of virtualization, virtual desktops. Virtual desktops have the ability to create more space within a desktop computer or on actual desk space through the use of software which expands a desktops environment beyond physical limits through virtualization. This can create a more eco-friendly environment with less computers using energy and lower operating costs as well as offering continuous transitions between multiple operating system. Enhanced System Security A fear of many enterprises considering virtualization in their business is that all the advantages of this technology will compromise the security of sensitive, private and legal company information. However, that is not the case; in fact virtualization in business provides enhanced security, making it more difficult for hackers to find key information. Unlike other security systems, virtualization has the ability to single out and trace requests. If a request seems fishy or unsuitable, virtualization security technologies will reroute hackers to another location, securing and keeping enterprising business information safe from harm. Better System Reliability Non-virtualized networks and systems are more prone to crashes and memory corruption due to software installments such as device drivers. Through virtualization, I/O resources can be isolated providing better security (see above,) reliability and even availability across devices for business purposes. Disaster Recovery Along the same lines as better system reliability, virtualization also provides enterprising businesses with better, faster and more secure disaster recovery. This is possible because this technology is able to take a virtual image or information and transfer it to another server in the instance that the original server may be crashing. This prevents information loss and provides a constant stream of secure and safe information. Space and Server Consolidation When an organization has a physical database, it can take up to ten machines to provide the same amount of workload to one virtual machine. This means that up to ten applications can be ran on a solitary virtual machine, consolidating physical space as well as server use, therefore saving energy usage, operating costs and server expenses. Scalability One advantage of virtualization technology is its unique ability to be scalable. What this means is that unlike purchasing X amount of computer memory or RAM for a company, the possibilities with virtualization are endless. The workload and space needed one month may change in the next and virtualization accommodates those changes by fluxuating to fit the needs of an enterprise at the time of use. This also saves on energy consumption and operating costs because virtualization service providers oft will only charge for what was used. Endless Memory and Accessibilities One aspect of scalability is virtualization’s advantage of seemingly endless memory. Enterprising businesses can take advantage of limitless memory to house business information, client details, invoices and financial records all in an accessible, crash protected and secure place. Virtualization is accessible anywhere there is an internet connection, allow for access to important company information anywhere in the world. This is great for traveling business owners, work from home employees or access away from work. This also allows companies to offer better customer service to clients because of the ease of access as well as the quick pull up of saved information stored in a limitless memory location. Many enterprising companies are looking for ways to better IT departments, improve business models and create lower operating costs, all of which can be accomplished with the modern marvel technology that is virtualization. Whether used to provide better customer service, to be more eco-friendly or to gain more company memory, the virtualization technology of today offer many benefits to enterprising companies all over the world, creating innovative solutions to work based problems on a daily basis. Return on Investment School of thoughts have argued in various platform about the huge capital investment return in virtualization, there are multiple factors which determine how to go about deciding what type of monitoring an Information Technology (IT) department should embark on. In order to properly evaluate a specific IT environment, one must first determine whether or not to virtualize. Virtualization can be stressed as a life saver for countless IT departments over the past few years. What first needs to be determined however, is if in fact an organization really needs to virtualize. Perhaps database, application servers, network services, etc don’t truly need to become virtualized, maybe they do. What we are trying to determine today is the Return on Investment (ROI) for virtualization. Technologist, Researchers and Students helps quantify virtualizing an IT infrastructure. If an organization is in the process of acquiring a new company (or being liquidated) and subsequently moving locations, they must first take a look in their server room*. If it is overcrowded, under powered or outdated, then yes†¦ virtualization is probably important. What everyone in the IT department wants to know then, is virtualization right for my organization and more importantly my department? [pic] The resources being saved on just power and hardware along are staggering. Keeping costs lower for the overall organization is obviously crucial, especially when it comes to things such as never having to redeploy application solutions*. This will save you time and subsequently money: no server hardware refreshing costs, limited annual server-related power costs*. The greater questions then arise, how much time will it take a department to make the complete switch? Will the ROI be worth the increased labor hours to become fluent with the virtualized world?

Friday, September 20, 2019

Adapting Business to the Environment

Adapting Business to the Environment Success of every business depends on adapting itself to the environment within which it runs on. For e.g. if there is any change in government policies an organization has to change its internal policies accordingly that could be wages, taxes, working hours and so on. Changes in technology have replaced type writers to computers. All these external factors are beyond the control of a business, so all business organization have to adapt themselves to change in order to succeed. Hence understanding of various factors of Business environment is necessary. Business environment is categorized by two categories i.e. Micro Environment and Macro environment, Micro environment factors deals with internal factors like employees, Suppliers, Customers, Stakeholders, Media. Macro environment factors deals with external factors like technological (PESTEL forces), Economical, Political, Social, Legal and Environmental (Palmer and Hartley 2006). The above factors have direct or indirect influence on an organization. For e.g. Change in environmental norms have forced car manufacturers to come with a new technology which will keep pollution under control. Due to increased work stress some governments have eased working hours from nine to eight hours which in turn increases cost. Due to increased crimes on women new laws have been added for safety of women, women working in call center in night shifts needs to escort to her home by a security guard which means added cost to a business. If the value of domestic currency increases it will be difficult for export houses to match the prices with international competitor as the prices of raw material overseas might not have changed with the forex change. Change management is a structured approach to moving individuals, teams, and organisations from a current state to a desired future state. Change Management includes both organizational change management processes and individual change management models, which together are used to manage the people side of change. Stated simply, change management is a process for managing the people-side of change. (Referencing) Survival of fittest is not the criteria, it is one who adapts to change quickly is successful, before taking products or services to an end user it is imperative that an organization should have or must do their home work on existing business environment based on above factor, by doing so it will help an organization to formulate corporate strategy, marketing strategy sales strategy HR strategy, product development strategy and help the organization to be a part of value chain. Research conducted by McKinsey (LaClair, 2002) and by Prosci (Best Practices in Change Management report, 2007) has demonstrated a direct correlation between achieving the business objectives of a change and effectively managing the people side of that change. Proscis research with nearly 400 organizations showed that a project had five times the probability of meeting objectives if they implemented very good or excellent change management practices. Based on the PESTEL theory and Change management we will be discussing various challenges faced by an organisation. The company selected as a matter of this study is Barclays. In last five years Barclays had to deal with economic, social, legal and environmental challenges. It had to deal with Change management Organisation Description and Background Barclays is a major global financial services provider engaged in retail banking, credit cards, corporate banking, investment banking, wealth management and investment management services with an extensive international presence in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. With over 300 years of history and expertise in banking, Barclays operates in over 50 countries and employsÂÂ  more thanÂÂ  144,000 people. Barclays moves, lends, invests and protects money for more than 48 million customers and clients worldwide ( Challenges faced by Barclays towards it Stakeholders Mainly in last 3 years Barclays faced lot of challenges due to recession. Barclays share value had dipped to the lowest which became a major concern for all stake holders. Last year, Barclays restructured its business model by merging corporate and investment banking together and leave retail and small business customers with the global retail bank. This made Barclays to focus more on retail banking. Barclays always believes in its stakeholders by listening, responding and working in partnership which is also one of the main reason that the share price of Barclays grew at fast rate in spite of economic slowdown. Share prices of Barclays for last five years ( Credit risk impacts of a changing climate Change in weather may influence the business in more possible ways than imaginable. Hence, due consideration is given when assessing the credit risk while issuing credit to a business. Physical risks such as damage to fixed assets arising from storm, seismic activities; Supply chain deficits arising from scarcity of natural resources like water, changing patterns of customer needs due to change in extremes of temperatures. The annual average of Global surface temperature would inevitably rise by 2-4 degree centigrade by year 2100 (Source IPCC 2007) All these factors but not limited to effect the companys balance sheet in various ways like increase in costs, scarce raw materials etc, changes the business operations practices and conditions, Or may reduce or stimulate the demand of the product or services of the company in question. To redress the challenge Barclays developed collaboration with Acclimatize experts in the field of Climate Risk Management. The primary sector identified most affected by the changing climate were businesses that are dependent on massive fixed assets, such as energy, and sectors like chemical fertilizer, Pharmaceutical and tourism among many others. Hence it was imperative for Barclays to include Climate change as part of mainstream business planning and risk management. As audiences of these reports were from a non technical background, these reports were developed accordingly for different geographys and time horizons. This also helped Barclays to identify the opportunity presented by the climate change, like change in demands of product and services and early mover advantage, in addition to mitigating risks associated. This also helps understand and monitor the interests and needs of external stakeholders including Government regulators, insurance companies, and investors and competitor suppliers. This helped Barclays to reduce and at times eliminated the adaptation lag, in turn giving an edge over competitors, and better understanding of rapidly changing stakeholders position. Climate Proof projects at the inception phase by incorporating the adaptation measures that are robust in the face of climate change. Challenges on build internal capacity on adaptation This was achieved by raising awareness, developing a corporate understanding of climate risks, assigning responsibility for adaptation to staff and adopting a consistent approach. Involving and taking inputs from the staff for more acceptance and ownership. Some Geographical Locations are more vulnerable than others. E.g. Places that are already having very high temperature or very low temperatures (Permanent Frost Inhabitable) are at higher risks. Cities exhibiting Urban Heat Island effect (Frequent building of pool of hot air) exuberate high temperatures. Mean sea level rise, increased storms surge heights, wave heights, coastal flooding and erosion. Decreased seasonal precipitation, increased risks of drought, subsidence and wildfire. Water resources dependent on glaciers (those areas dependent on glacier melt are probably observing increases in water resources in the short term, as glaciers melt faster, but over time, the loss of glaciers will lead to decreases in water resource availability),Subsidence-prone soils. Regions with high rainfall, floodplains, Landslides and contaminated Environment land and water Areas at risk from tropical storms. Project Vietnam Barclays with partnership with CARE is implementing Change microfinance. The objective of the project is to establish a community managed savings and loan association. Target of this project is to help young people in urban and semi urban areas Despite of the economic boom in last 15 years there has been a very big population of disadvantaged youth in southern Vietnam, which suffers from the underlying cause of poverty and with high rate of rural-urban mobility there is lack of employment and opportunities, and poverty is prevailing on large scale. CARE and Barclays approach to the problem is to increase the understanding for significance of saving and improve their skill in managing household finance. This is aimed to benefit and reduce poverty among 10,000 venerable people, at least 50% of which are women and migrants through Group Savings and Loans. To appeal to the masses of the targeted populations the program is called Group saving and Loans GSLs. Other Key objectives To establish at least 500 GSLs to develop a culture of saving and community management and support To provide guidance for group members to aid them in developing business plans and making loan applications. These in use by International Labour Organization, German sustainable development agency GTZ and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry To build the capacity of the local partners, the Youth Union and the Womens Union, to encourage financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills among group members by providing training on business planning and household finance management. Manage and expand Group Savings and Loans. Support is also being provided to help to develop new financial products tailored to the needs of the groups, such as savings, loans and micro-insurance. Enhanced economic security through an improvement in financial inclusion. The promotion of entrepreneurship and support for livelihood opportunities for young people and their families. This is to be achieved through the development of a culture of savings, an increase in financial literacy and an improvement in entrepreneurial skills and general confidence in public, This has also helped CAREs local partners from an increased capacity in managing community-based microfinance. In addition, they are gaining experience in establishing microfinance services for young people and providing business and entrepreneurial training. Change management One of the examples of change management Barclays did was on communications, biggest challenge was how to communicate its restructuring plan to 45,000 employees, cause if the restructuring was not communicated in effective way it could lead to chaos and also lead to attrition. So Barclays came with a plane which included following, but to start off they adopted top three elements. Involve audience by engaging them To simplify the message to employees by informing what was important for the business Ensure all information was attributed to brand values and organizational priorities To Ensure face to face delivery plays a vital role Using appropriate communication channel Involving audience by engaging them If top level managers wanted to share information they used a newsletter format, but if there was any information which was very important they used a video or presentation on their internal website. To inculcate change successfully, Barclays involved its employees by taking their opinion by having open communication Simplifying the message Important challenges were communicating the most important objective of the business. Thorough understanding of the stuff which they are working on Work as team Giving high priority to customer, just the way we wanted to treat. Performance based promotions. Focus on Face-to-Face Delivery To share financial results CEO went on road show in which he asked questions and also addressed concerns that employees had. This presentation reiterated that change had been made and the communication between CEO and front line employees was progresses in smooth way. By following this change management in communication new leadership team joined hand together and concluded on one agenda, Employees were given the priority of tasks and number of miscommunication going across was reduced drastically, objectives got cleared. Merger and Acquisition In 2008 Barclays acquired core assets of Lehman brothers which are fourth largest investment bank in US which filed for bankruptcy. By acquiring this Barclays made its strong presence in US in Investment banking and trading business. This also added value to Barclays financial capital. Initially employees were scared about their job loss. Though profit was down by 24% but there was asset inflow. After acquiring Lehman Brothers now Barclays is facing court trials. Lehman is filling a case against Barclays for allegedly ripping it off to the tune of $11bn over the deal. In this deal Barclays took over 10,000 employees and made a strong presence on Wall Street. Barclays is accused of negotiating some discounts on assets with co-operation of Lehman top executives who were offered better and more pay.( 30/07/2010, Monday 21 June 2010 21.21 BST In 2005 Barclays acquired Absa, and in 2007 this acquisition was criticized from the governor of the South African Reserve Bank saying that it will expose bank to greater risks in economy than acceptable. Whereas it over came all the criticism by offering better products and services to customers. In 2008 Barclays became the first bank in South Africa to reach one million internet users. Sustainability of Barclays Faith and level of confidence was brought down in this year, share prices almost went down drastically. Many banks which had good financial assets were acquired by competitors. Barclays was not an exception even it had to undergo financial challenges which was brought by credit crunch. They had to raise capital to meet the new laws introduced across the banking sector. Barclays had to raise capital in way that it did not take much preventive measure. This caused lot of turbulence amongst stakeholders. To overcome the above challenge Barclays started diversifying business and making it presence in market and sectors which were growing rapidly. Banks strength lies on diversification in terms of Business, Geography and products. Barclays made strategic move by acquiring Lehman Brother, The UK Goldfish Credit card business, Expobank in Russia, The Italian residential mortgage business of Macquaire Bank limited and PT Bank Akita in Indonesia Introduction on new products and innovation In 2008, Barclays introduced Mobile banking, now customer can pay their bill just by sending SMS, they can check balance in their account. Barclays also launched Al-Safi Investment platform, which is Islamic Finance equal to Shariah format for both conventional equity strategies and also a prospect to gain from falling prices. Barclays also launched new investment products to help investors diversify their portfolio when market is uncertain or volatile and it was called Commodity investment index. Barclays focuses on new innovation to help clients for e.g. Contribution Pension plans offers wide diversification and bestows solutions on income. By understanding this Barclays developed a product called SponsorMatch

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Trouble in Danto’s Artworld :: Danto Art Essays

Trouble in Danto’s Artworld Danto’s theory of artistic identification accepts a problematic class of artwork as art: art made entirely of space. Consider the avant-garde artist who claims an unoccupied space in the Museum of Modern Art and calls it â€Å"Missing Van Gogh;† it can be shown by Danto’s â€Å"is† of artistic identification that her work is art. It not only fulfills Danto’s requirements, but also, it distinguishes itself as revolutionary by expanding the style matrix, and as clever, by belonging to the once-problematic category of artwork called ‘indiscernibles.’ However, it can be shown that â€Å"Missing Van Gogh’s† lack of spatial and temporal boundaries adds infinite predicates to the style matrix and thus reveals a flaw in Danto’s theory. Danto’s theory of artistic identification requires only that the sentence â€Å"x is P,† where x is a given work and P a predicate functioning as an interpretation of that work, apply to a member of what he calls the ‘Artworld.’ He calls the word ‘is’ between x and the P in the sentence the ‘â€Å"is† of artistic interpretation,’ and any work indicated by this ‘is’ is art. For instance, we may say â€Å"the Eroica Symphony is profound.† By Danto’s definition, the fact that this artistic interpretation of the work is possible is sufficient to show that it is a work of art. Danto also posits a style matrix consisting of all the variant combinations of art-relevant predicates in today’s Artworld. This matrix serves as a context in which all artworks can be discussed, and is open to the addition of predicates as artists make innovative breakthroughs. The revolutionary beauty of Danto’s theory lies in its openness and simplicity; it is able to embrace new artistic developments because it refuses to identify specific properties as indicative of artwork status. It is more accepting than theories which name properties, such as the family resemblance theory, which rejects the first of every new class of artwork, or even Gaut’s cluster theory, which demands some consistency.[1] Yet, this radical openness of Danto’s theory demands scrutiny; if there is an artwork which Danto’s theory accepts on account of its openness, but which it ought not to, then Danto’s theory is flawed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Invisible Man Essay: Tone and Language -- Invisible Man Essays

Tone and Language in Invisible Man      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are not many novels that can produce such a feeling of both sorrow and jubilation for a character as Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man. There is such a wide range of emotions produced by the novel that it is impossible not to feel both ways. Invisible Man is a wonderfully well written novel about an African American living in pre civil rights America. The novel is an excellent example of a bildungsroman, a character finding himself as the story progresses. The narrator (invisible man) starts off a naive college student and ends with the young man realizing that his world has become that of "infinite possibilities." Ellison's writing techniques include that of visual imagery, irony, occasional satire, and infinite examples of symbolism. All of these writing techniques help to further the novel, and benefit the book as a whole. Two techniques that Ellison used better than any others, however, are tone and language. Although Ellison used these techniques well, there we re some harmful mistakes in his writing which damage the credibility of the story.    One of the most important aspects to any novel is its tone. Tone sets the pace of the novel and dictates what kind of emotional effect the anecdote will have on the reader. The tone of Invisible Man is, for the most part, a remarkable thing. Ellison's tone creates both a tragic and a comic response to the reader. Ellison's tone can be said to be "tragi-comic" (Bellow). This tone occurs "in the best pages of Invisible Man... in which an incestuous Negro farmer tells his tale" (Bellow) of seducing and impregnating his own daughter. Through tone Ellison reveals how his invisible man thought himself to be invisible, as he learns that... ...ropriate to a character who has been presentd mainly as a passive victim of experience" (Howe).    With the exception of a few faults, Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man is an excellent novel. Ellison makes good use of many literary techniques necessary for writing a good novel. These include satire, irony, symbol, imagery, and especially tone and language. The novel appeals to all races and ages of people because of the language used and of the heroic story of the young Negro trying to make it in a predominantly white American society. This novel is truly a classic and should become more and more so as people of all races look back on the symbolic struggle this young man had.    Works Cited Bellow, Saul. "Man Underground" Commentary June 1952   Ellison, Ralph. The Invisible Man 1952   Howe, Irving. "Review of Invisible Man",   The Nation 1952

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Julius Caesar: Tragic Hero :: essays research papers

Tragic Hero Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sometimes our friends keep us from achieving our goals. We make sacrifices to make our friends a part of our goals and achievements. If a friend gets left out, we stay behind with them to keep them from being alone. Some achievements require us to leave out our friends. This is what happens in the case of Julius Caesar. He became the ruler of Rome, leaving out his good friend Brutus. Brutus and other conspirators assassinated Julius Caesar turning him into a tragic hero. A tragic hero must portray four main traits. The hero may neither be perfect nor ultimate evil, the audience must feel pity or fear for the hero, and must be a ruler or leader; good but with flaw. The hero must also come to recognition; from ignorance to knowledge. William Shakespeare identifies three tragic heroes throughout the play; Caesar, a great ruler who took advantage of his power; Brutus, a gullible noble Roman, and Rome. Julius Caesar was an honorable man, but with his power, came his corruption and greed in the eyes of Rome’s leaders. Several high political figures in Rome were becoming more and more discontent. Caesar’s friend Brutus tells Cassius, â€Å"[w]hat means this shouting?/I do fear the people choose Caesar for their king.† (24). Brutus and Cassius felt Caesar was gaining to much attention to quickly. With each amount of increasing support from the Romans, Caesar extended his use of power further. Brutus and the conspirators then go on about Caesar’s abuse of power: â€Å"Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colossus, and we petty men Walk under his huge legs and peep about To find ourselves dishonourable graves. Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.† Cassius uses this line to persuade Brutus into joining him in a conspiracy against Caesar. To Cassius, Caesar was a gigantic Colossus walking all over the common people, ignoring the opinions and thoughts of the Roman people. His abuse of power leads to the discontent of several political figures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Brutus was a kind noble man; however, he was very easy manipulated. This bad trait eventually molded Brutus into a tragic hero. Cassius tried to persuade Brutus by stating that: â€Å"Brutus and Caesar: what should be in that 'Caesar'? Why should that name be sounded more than yours? Write them together, yours is as fair a name;

Monday, September 16, 2019

Lifestyles Theory Essay

The â€Å"lifestyle/exposure theory† was developed by Hindelang, Gottfredson, and Garofalo (1978:243; e.g., see Goldstein, 1994; Maxfield, 1987:275; Miethe, Stafford, and Long, 1987:184). This model of criminal events links victimization risks to the daily activities of specific individuals (Goldstein, 1994:54; Kennedy and Forde, 1990:208).Lifestyles are patterned, regular, recurrent, prevalent, or â€Å"routine activities† (Robinson, 1997b; also see Cohen and Felson, 1979; Felson, 1994; Hindelang, Gottfredson, and Garofalo, 1978:241; Garofalo, 1987:24, 39). Lifestyles consist of the activities that people engage in on a daily basis, including both obligatory and discretionary activities. LeBeau and Coulson (1996:3; also see LeBeau and Corcoran, 1990) assert that:The former are activities that must be undertaken while the latter because they are pursued by choice are called discretionary. ‘An activity is discretionary if there is a greater chance of choice than constraint, and obligatory if there is a greater degree of constraint than choice† (Chapin, 1974:38). Both activities have a duration, position in time, a place in a sequence of events, and a fixed location or path in space (Chapin, 1974:37).Kennedy and Forde (1990:208) summarized the lifestyle/exposure model as â€Å"lifestyle, encompassing differences in age, sex, marital status, family income, and race, influences daily routines and vulnerability to criminal victimization, resulting in the fact that â€Å"Victimization is not evenly distributed randomly across space and time — there are high-risk locations and high-risk time periods† (Garofalo, 1987:26). â€Å"Lifestyle patterns influence (a) the amount of exposure to places and times with varying risks of victimization, and (b) the prevalence of associations with others who are more or less likely to commit crimes.† A similar theoretical model developed by Kennedy and Forde (1990: 209, 211) suggested that background characteristics and daily activities affect time spent in risky lifestyles which lead to dangerous results (i.e., criminal victimization). In their words, â€Å"demographic and lifestyle variables . . . can be interpreted as contributing to more or less ‘time spent in risky activities’ and indirectly contributing to ‘dangerous results'† (Kennedy and Forde, 1990:209).Numerous studies have shown relationships between daily activities of individuals and their likelihood of criminal victimization (Riley, 1987:340). In other words, what people do and how they behave places them at either more or less risk of criminal victimization (Maxfield, 1987; Miethe, Stafford, and Long, 1987; Sampson and Wooldredge, 1987).According to Sampson and Wooldredge (1987:372): â€Å"An active lifestyle . . . appears to influence victimization risk by increasing exposure of persons and homes to potential offenders while guardianship is low.† Yet, an active lifestyle may not necessarily increase one’s risk of criminal victimization. For example, if there is a great deal of activity by residents, neighbors, or passers by around a residence, then this activity may serve to decrease the likelihood that a property offender will victimize a residence. In fact, many property offenders are non-confrontational and want to avoid being seen by residents, neighbors, or passers by (Cromwell, Olson, and Avary, 1991; Tunnell, 1994; Wright and Decker, 1994). Whether an active lifestyle leads to higher or lower risks for criminal victimization may depend on several factors. It might depend on the nature of one’s activities — i.e., whether they are patterned and predictable to offenders, or sporadic and less predictable. This issue has not been settled by academic research, although the majority of lifestyle research suggests that active lifestyles increase risks for criminal victimization (Robinson, 1997b). Part of why there is some uncertainty about this issue is because when relationships between lifestyles and crime are studied, dependent variables typically consist of some composite measure of crime (see Robinson, 1997b; Thompson and Fisher, 1996). Whether active lifestyles lead to higher or lower risks for crime might depend on the specific type of crime that is being studied. Since composite measures of crime have been utilized by researchers rather than distinct measures of individual crime types (Bennett, 1991; Maxfield, 1987; Thompson and Fisher, 1996), it is nearly impossible to differentiate the effects of peoples’ lifestyles on different types of criminal victimization. This is problematic, because lifestyle/exposure theory is â€Å"crime specific† (Bennett, 1991:158; Thompson and Fisher, 1996). For example, crimes such as burglary and theft may create different opportunities for offenders: For a burglary to occur, an offender has to break and enter a home to get the desired goods. An offender who commits a larceny, on the other hand, may ride off with a bicycle left out on the lawn or steal something from the porch of a home. These examples demonstrate that the opportunity structure for burglary and larceny are different and therefore the two crimes must be examined separately in research (Thompson and Fisher, 1996:52; also see Gottfredson, 1984; Maxfield, 1987; Sampson and Wooldredge, 1987).Research examining the relationship between lifestyles and crime should avoid pooling or aggregating crime types, because examining the effects of lifestyles on composite measures of crime leads to inconsistent findings (Thompson and Fisher, 1996:53).

K-12 Program

Parents, Mentors, and Other Advocates As adolescents go through high school, they learn to take on more initiative, responsibility and independence. Parents and adults know that, in spite of their evolving maturity, many teenagers need support and encouragement as they begin take the initiative, act responsibly, and grow in their independence. Parents and mentors of youth with disabilities have unique opportunities to promote their successful transition to postsecondary education, employment, and full participation in adult activities.Families and mentors need to step in and assist in he transition process by providing adolescents direction in their exploration of interests, guidance in career and college planning, and encouragement and support. Employment Issues The number of students with disabilities entering and completing postsecondary education has increased dramatically in the last decade, yet people with disabilities are still underrepresented in the employment arena.Barriers to employment include lack of adequate support systems; little access to successful role models; lack of access to technology that can increase independence and productivity; and, most ignificantly, low expectations on the part of people with whom they interact. High school students may think they have plenty of time to decide on their career paths and acquire the skills they will need to market themselves successfully. They may also believe that completing a college or Job training program will guarantee them a Job. This is not true in every situation.Students with disabilities face unique challenges as they transition to employment. Like other students, they need to find a way to meet the specific qualifications of a desired Job as well as demonstrate transferable skills such as communication, roubleshooting, decision making, leadership, and problem solving. Unlike other students, they must be aware of accommodation strategies for specific situations and also know how to appropri ately disclose and discuss their disabilities as they relate to the performance of specific Job tasks.Work-based learning experiences allow students to develop methods for determining accommodations and practice disclosing and discussing their disabilities. Career planning and preparation should begin upon entering high school and occur throughout postsecondary studies. They do not need to settle on one area to pursue ight away, and they can change directions as they learn more about themselves and career options. They need to prepare for the long run-for a lifelong career or multiple careers.In today's competitive Job market it is essential that students possess skills and way students can start narrowing career interests and developing Job skills is through work-based learning experiences. Why should students with disabilities participate in work-based learning? Through the interaction of study and work experience, students can enhance their academic knowledge, personal developmen t, and professional preparation.Specifically, work-based learning opportunities can help a student apply practical theories from classroom work, clarify academic and career interests, develop human relations skills through interaction with co-workers, develop Job- search skills, develop resumes and cover letters, earn academic credit, gain contacts for employment after graduation, gain exposure to specialized facilities not available on campus, identify career assistance programs, and pay for your education. For students with disabilities, work-based learning offers additional benefits.Participating in work experience can give them chances to determine if they can erform the essential functions of particular Jobs with or without accommodations. In a Job setting, students can also practice disclosing their disabilities and requesting accommodations from employers. In addition, they can test which accommodations work best for them. These experiences help students with disabilities dev elop the confidence and self-advocacy skills needed for success in challenging careers. What are examples of work-based learning experiences?Below are descriptions of typical activities and services offered at many high schools: Cooperative Education Cooperative education programs work with students, school staff, and employers to help students clarify career and academic goals, and expand classroom study by participating in paid work experiences. Students work in trainee positions in fields of interest and may also earn academic credit. Independent Study Some academic programs allow independent studies as an optional program component.Students work one-on-one with individual teachers to develop projects for credit. Projects can range from research papers to work experience within their field of interest. Informational Interview Informational interviews help students gain personal insight into specific careers ask questions about occupations, Job duties, education requirements, qual ifications, and companies. Internship An internship is a time-limited, intensive learning experience outside the traditional classroom.Students work in a supervised learning situation, paid or non-paid, with an employer doing planned learning activities. Interns learn about occupational fields and specific Job tasks, while developing work-readiness. Job Shadowing Job shadowing provides students with a realistic view of one or more occupations. Students visit a business to observe the everyday functions of their occupational area of interest. Experiences may vary in time from one hour to a full day. Service Learning In service learning experiences students provide community service in non-paid, volunteer positions.These programs increase the relevancy of academic learning by giving students opportunities to apply knowledge and skills while making meaningful contributions. Students with service learning requirements should pursue opportunities related to their career interests. Provid ing Support Parents, family members, and mentors can help young people become self- determined and access career preparation resources. They can empower them and reinforce their plans for success. Here are some ways to provide support: Help students identify their vocational strengths and interests – look at hobbies, pastimes, etc.Educate yourself about adaptive technology, accommodations, and employment issues. Talk to students about self-advocacy, determining appropriate accommodations, and disclosing their disabilities. Encourage students to develop personal networks of family members, friends, and community contacts to open up pportunities for work-based learning. Parents and guardians should involve themselves in the Individual Education Plans (IEP) of their children and make sure employment-preparation activities are included.Learn about available adult services and start preparing students for the transition to independent adulthood. Assist students in accessing local support networks and disability services organizations, such as the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, which may be able to provide career preparation, Job placement, and referrals to community programs. Encourage tudents to visit the counseling, advising, or career center at their high schools. They may provide a variety of career preparation and Job search services.Students can develop career plans and Job search skills through individual counseling and workshops. Investigate School-to-Work programs, such as Tech Prep and High School/ beginning early in high school. Some Tech Prep courses may be articulated with coursework at local community colleges. Contact your State Governor's Committee on Employment of with Disabilities for information about High School/High Tech, a artnership that combines site tours, Job shadowing, internships, and mentoring to encourage students with disabilities to pursue careers in the technology industry.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Midsummer Night’s Dream- A Shakespearean Comedy Essay

Desperate lovers, mischievous fairies, bad actors, and a flower which causes love upon first sight-these are just some of the components that add to the comedic flavour of Shakespeare’s work _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_. The main elements of a classic Shakespearean comedy are clearly portrayed in this play. An identity mix-up of Lysander and Demetrius, continuous references to music and dance to signify happy events and finally a happy ending all help to prove that _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_ is indeed a comedy. The plot of a Shakespearean comedy often includes a mix up of identity. In _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_ Puck mistakes Lysander for Demetrius and rubs the love potion on his eyes. As a result, Lysander stops loving Hermia and instead falls in love with Helena. When Puck and Oberon find Lysander wooing Helena, Puck realizes his mistake and admits to Oberon, â€Å"This is the woman, but not the man.† (3.2.42). Puck’s mistake helps to develop the plot as well as bring out several comedic situations throughout the play, such as the quarrel between Hermia and Helena. This mistaken identity helps to make this Shakespearean work a comedy. Although Shakespearean plays often have tragic endings, his comedies end on optimistic notes, which are often signified through several marriages. _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_ ends with the grand marriages of Duke Theseus and the lovers Hermia and Lysander as well as Helena and Demetrius. Upon finding the lovers in the forest, Theseus decides to ignore Egeus’s will, â€Å"Egeus I will overbear your will† (4.1.177). and chooses to marry the lovers. He declares, â€Å"For in the temple, by and by, with us / These couples shall eternally be knit† (4.1.178-180). The lovers are elated and everyone at the court watches the mechanicals’ hilarious performance of â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe† as a way to happily wait for their nuptial hour. This happy ending helps to keep the comedic air alive in the play. Throughout the play, several references are made to reveling through dance and song as a way to signify and bless happy events. This is shown when Titania asks Oberon to join her in blessing the marriage of Theseus and  Hippolyta. She asks, â€Å"If you will patiently dance in our round, / And see our moonlight revels, go with us.† (2.1.140-141). Through this quote, Titania refers to dance as a way to bring happiness to the marriage of the Royals. The dance and song throughout the play lighten the mood of the play, helping it become a comedy. The mistaken identities of Lysander and Demetrius, the reveling through dance and song, and the happy ending, which is symbolized through several marriages help prove that _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_ is indeed a comedy. The inclusions of these basic elements make a comical and entertaining play for all audiences to enjoy. WORKS CITED Gill Roma, ed. _A Midsummer Night’s Dream._ Great Clarendon Street, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2005. A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM: ESSAY PREPARED BY: RISHITA APSANI PREPARED FOR: MR.LANDRY DATE: 12/13/2007 Rishita Apsani English

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Flexible Firm Hrm

Assignment 2 (a)Outline the main forms of flexibility as defined in Atkinson’s (1984) model of the flexible firm (b) What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the Atkinson model? ANSWER PLAN: ?Introduction/Background oWhat are the aims of flexibility oGuest (1987) de-centralisation helps to create flexibility oWhat are the main forms of flexibility that modern organisation need ?Body: 4 types of flexibility oFunctional/Temporal/Numerical/Financial ?Body 2: Atkinson’s Model oCore group oFrist/Second peripheral groups How each of these differ oOutsourcing activities/ Agency / Self-employed/Sub-contracting ?Advantages / Disadvantages of Atkinson’s model ?Criticism ?Conclusion In highly competitive environment, organisations need to be able to react quickly and effectively to changes. David Guest (1987) in advocating de-centralisation emphasised the role it plays in increasing flexibility within an organisation. He cited flexibility as one of the keys to respo nding effectively to changes in the environment, and that it is essential for organisational success.The main forms of flexibility in modern organisation according to Blyton and Morris (1992) are four: Functional, Temporal, Numerical and Financial. Functional flexibility involves the task of multi-skilling where employees are required to possess one specific skill and many other generalist ones. This means a reduced specialisation of roles with individuals being trained to carry out a much wider range of activities than before. The purpose of numerical flexibility is to expand and contract the labour force according to specific demand for it.In times of expansion, more workers are required. Conversely a smaller workforce is needed if the business is decreasing. The third form is temporal flexibility. In this case the number and distribution of hours varies. It concerns different approaches to managing the time of employees, such as â€Å"annual hours contracts† where there is a total number of hours to be worked but actual hours will vary according to circumstances. Finally, financial flexibility involves the way that an individual’s payment varies in ways which best allow it to meet objectives.At the individual level this can mean pay-related-performance or multiple pay strategies such as bonuses, dividends and share options. Atkinson developed a model of what he called the flexible firm which brings together a number of aspects of flexibility. This model is shown below: The model consists of a core group, first and second peripheral groups and outsourcing activities. The core group include the full-time, generalist skilled workers who are expected to keep learning and adapting to changes.This is the permanent component of the firm’s workforce; they are the ones with the most job security, and they have better opportunities for training and promotion. They are relatively few in the organisation. This group provides flexibility through its commitment because they are the permanent ones. In contrast, peripheral workers provide a firm with numerical flexibility. The first peripheral group is normally full-time but does not have the same job security as the core workers. Their numbers increase or reduce with changing labour market conditions.The second peripheral group is employed on a part-time basis, with short-term contracts. They tend to be less well paid and have fewer rights and benefits than the first peripheral group. Less is invested in them as far as training and opportunities for promotion are concerned. As a final alternative if necessary, organisations can outsource functions as a means of generating flexibility. These are contracted to do specific work and are more expensive; outsourced flexibility comes at a premium price.An example of outsourcing services is office cleaning where an agency is contracted to carry out the cleaning of the office on a continuing basis. In times of recession, peripheral or no n-full-time workers are much more likely to be made redundant. The advantages of the Atkinson model for the organisation include: a more easily controlled and managed workforce; core employees being more committed due to enriched jobs (Soft HRM); the facility for bringing in skills as required and cost saving and low wage costs for part-time workers.The disadvantages include: risk of lack of specialist expertise due to multi-skilling and issues connected with loyalty and security. Firstly loyalty, because they are not bound by permanent contract, there is no guarantee that the worker will continue to be available. They may also lack necessary training as the organisation will be focusing more on the core workers because the more you move to peripheral workers the more you want to contain costs, therefore minimal training is offered.Atkinson’s model is criticised because many organisations will have core, peripheral and outsourced workers without having the Atkinson’s m odel in mind. In other words even when flexibility is practiced, it is not because of his model. The requirement for flexibility happened in organisations before he developed his model. In conclusion flexibility can take a number of different forms as proposed by Blyton and Morris. It helps the organisation react to changes faster and more effectively. The four types of flexibility link to The Atkinson’s model which illustrates how organisations are structured.Managers value the model to a degree of financial flexibility because it separates core workers from peripheral workers. It helps them taking decisions on who to contract. High level skills can be brought in when necessary and outsourced tasks can end up being less expensive, as the termination of the contract is simple. There are a number of potential advantages and disadvantages of workforce flexibility, depending on which group is considered. The flexible firm emphasises the need for organisations to be flexible and have the capability to adapt to constantly changing circumstances.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Critical Incidents Response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical Incidents Response - Assignment Example ense to establish agencies that control data centers in the states/cities and who can be of assistance when a state is under duress, whether medical, weather-related or physiological. Such agencies do exist, but have yet to pick up speed as was shown up in the tragic carnage in Virginia Tech. This Paper examines how the national grid has been networked and its command and control set up. In any data gathering and collating agency, the inputs can be inundating in volume, with a high level of irrelevance. All the same, every bit of information must be considered as actionable intelligence until proved otherwise. ‘Analysis must be objective and independent of political considerations. Since no single Agency has the ability to cater to the variability, pace, activity level and anticipated quantum of demands of information and its analyses, it must utilize distributed expertise, regardless of where in the Intelligence Community (IC) this expertise is. Collaboration must the norm in the IC, overcoming technical, policy and administrative barriers. The analytical process must be transparent, with logical argumentation and evidence-supported analyses. If intelligence gaps cannot be covered within the IC, the IC must tap external expertise to obtain relevant data, even if international agencies are to be involved’ ( As far as practicable, data and a nalysis sharing must be in real time and all operating agencies and operators data-linked. In an emergent situation, one of the most critical information systems is the Public Information System. ‘The US National Incident Management System (NIMS) requires that public information be organized around a Joint Information System (JIS) that is overseen by the Public Information Officer (PIO). The Public Information Officer (PIO) represents and advises the Incident Commander on all public information matters relating to the management of the incident. The PIO handles: The PIO also oversees other functions required

Thursday, September 12, 2019

WATER QUALITY AND CONTAMINATION Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

WATER QUALITY AND CONTAMINATION - Lab Report Example Therefore, the relevance of conducting experiments in order to find out what substances contaminate water and how the contamination takes place, is understood. In the light of the experiments, I was very surprised to find that detergent contaminated the water. I thought that the detergent would stay in the soil but it ended up seeping through the soil into the water. One of the main resources on earth is water and every biotic thing on this earth needs water to survive. Water is found below the surface, which means that the water can be easily contaminated. Many substances such as laundry detergent, soap, fertilizers and pesticides are dumped on the ground daily, and these get abosrobed by the soil, thereby contaminating fresh ground water. As these contaminants pass through different layers of soil, there solubility as well as the degradation caused can vary. Various experiments have been conducted in order to understand how ground water is affected and one such study was done by Muà ±oz-Olivas et al. This experiment found that research efforts were crucial in dealing with the â€Å"remediation of leaching waters polluted† and to â€Å"prevent further damage of susrface and ground water reserves† (Muà ±oz-Olivas, Bouaid, Liva, Fernà ¡ndez-Hernando, Tadeo, & Cà ¡mara, 2007). Similarly, the experiments conducted by Ã… uczkiewic z aim to explore the contamination of grounwater as a result of â€Å"sewae lsudge land application† (2005, p. 869). The study found that the various chemical substances that leached through the soil such as â€Å"nitrate and ammonium† and other metals that had their orgin in sewage sludge can reach underground â€Å"deeper than 0.8 m,† thus contaminating â€Å"shallow aquifers† (p. 869). The experiments conducted by Lee et al used column and pilot scale experiments to reveal that heavy metals from abandoned mines also contaminated groundwater. However, by using â€Å"lime as a coagulant,† the researechers were able to remove â€Å"98%† of

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

5 health indicators and analysis - Research Paper

5 health indicators and analysis - - Research Paper Example Five health indicators from three different countries will be analyzed to reveal three-income stratifications high, medium, and low income. The five health indicators are the following; death rate, Infant mortality rate, Life expectancy at birth years, literacy and HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate. The countries are Switzerland, Mexico, and Somalia, which were selected to illustrate the disparity existing because of their income status. Death rate can be describe as the average number of deaths in a year per 1000 population and indicates the current mortality impact on population growth. Per Index Mundi, the death rate in Mexico is 4.9/1000 population at midyear, followed by Switzerland at 8.8, and Somalia at 14.55 (Index Mundi, 2011). The most probable causes of this 14.55 high incidence of death in Somalia can be attributed to lack of sanitation, poor access to medical services, and poor diet. On the other hand, the low death rate seen in Mexico can be associated with proper sanitation, easy access to advance medical care, and healthy feeding habits. The lowest infant mortality rate of the three countries stands at 4.03/1000 births followed by Mexico’s 16.77, and the highest being Somalias 103.72 (Central Intelligence Agency, n.d b). The comparison of the infancy mortality rate between the three countries raises concern, as the number of fatalities among infants in Somalia is alarming. This demonstrates the need for Mexico and Somalia to invest in more in infant and maternal health, and run programs such as vaccination to aid in reducing infant mortality. The average years lived by a group of individuals born in the same year describes the life expectancy at birth, in which Switzerland’s is relatively high. Since Switzerland is considered a higher income country, they can invest more preventive on health care and health education, which improves the life expectancy of the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Women's Clubs as Vehicles for Reform Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Women's Clubs as Vehicles for Reform - Assignment Example Betty Chapman an author, a historian, teacher and librarian, clearly shouts out the above mentioned issues in her easy women’s clubs as vehicles for reforms in Houston (Chapman 1885-1918). Women clubs in Houston have done a great deal in turning things around in Houston no matter the race or religion background. She stipulates how laws in Texas had prevented married women from the use of public property earnings in running their businesses. They were not allowed to sign contracts in their own name. Therefore, the Houston women’s clubs were obligated to fight for their rights and be allowed to earn from public property and conduct their businesses. These women’s grievances led to the Houston law reforms to allow women to have access to own their own businesses despite from being married (Chapman 1885-1918). Women’s clubs have led to tremendous reforms in Houston as Betty Chapman depicts and thus she calls them as vehicles for reforms because they have revolutionized how things are done. They have advocated for leadership as well as alimony payments to mention just a few. In conclusion, I do agree with Betty Chapman’s opinion of women’s clubs as vehicles for reforms because of the commitment they have to promote women in development. Without a doubt, women clubs should be advocated in all major states to help fight for the marginalized women and pave a better life for

Monday, September 9, 2019

Animal Behavior on their Natal Territory Assignment

Animal Behavior on their Natal Territory - Assignment Example The reproductive success of a female mammal depends on a few factors such as safe territory, brood feeding area, and resources such as food availability (Stockley & Bro-Jorgenson, 2011, pg344). The male members of the mammalian species, on the other hand, wander far away from the nest in search of possible female mates who defend their own territories. Thus, we can say that the reproductive success among mammals depends largely on its female members. However, males of avian species are the ones that remain on or near the natal territory since in case of birds it is the quality of the† habitat that the male defends that determines the reproductive success† (Hill,1988,p379). Reproductive success among avian species depends on the male members and on the provisions available for the brood and attraction of female birds in the territory defended by the males. Therefore, remaining within or near the natal territorial range in case of male birds is more beneficial since they are able to attract females while in case of mammal males, remaining near natal territory is not beneficial since the reproductive success depends solely on the female members of mammalian species. 2.In  their  classic  paper  on  mating  systems,  Steve  Emlen  and  Lew  Oring  suggested  that  two  ecological  factors  could  promote  the  evolution  of  monogamy:  a  high  degree  of  synchrony  in  reproductive  cycling  within  a  population  and  a  highly  dispersed  distribution  of  receptive  females.  Try  to  reconstruct  the  logic  of  these  predictions  and  then  make  counterarguments  to  the  effect  that  synchronized  breeding  could  facilitate  the acquisition  of  multiple  mates  while  a  relatively  dense  population  of  receptive  females  might  actually  promote  monogamy.  

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Analyze the data in paragraphs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analyze the data in paragraphs - Essay Example When asked whether ELI classrooms temperature is usually suitable, 4 out of 30(13%) of the students agreed that the temperature is ok, 22 out of 30(74%) disagreed and thought that the temperature is not suitable and 4 out of 30(13%) were neutral. The fourth question was about whether ELI classrooms are provided with comfortable chairs and tables.9 out of 30(30%) of students interviewed answered in the affirmative, 14 out of 30(47%) of the students did not think that the tables and chairs are comfortable and 7 out of 30(23%) were undecided and hence neutral. The last question was about whether ELI classrooms are near to each other and usually taken in same building.8 out of 30(27%) replied in the affirmative,16 out of 30(53%) disagreed and 6 out of 30(20%) were neutral. The survey clearly indicates that ELI classrooms temperature is not suitable to most students and also the classrooms should be provided with comfortable chairs and tables. Majority of the students (53%) also do not think that ELI classrooms are near to each other and usually taken in same building. This should also be evaluated and implemented by concerned party, since it touches on the well being of the students directly, which is very crucial for their learning process. The ELI classrooms are however designed to be comfortable and practical for most students and are well equipped with technical tools which help in learning